Monday, September 30, 2019

Christianity vs. Greek Mythology

Throughout many ages religion has been a very important part of history. It shaped many cultures and allowed us to better understand many civilizations. Two of these cultures are those of the Christians and Greeks. Both have similarities and differences in their religious beliefs that have been compared often and I have chosen to discuss the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Greek mythology. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, or belief in only one God, and spiritual practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as written in the New Testament of the Bible, with the role of Jesus as savior and the Son of God. Greek mythology is a polytheistic religion, which is the belief in and worship of multiple deities, called gods and goddesses, belonging to the culture of ancient Greece. Even though their definitions are different, the faith of Christianity and one God and the culture of the Greeks in mythology of many gods are alike in a number of ways. To begin, in both religions humans believe that there are speakers for their God/gods. These people include pastors, priests and nuns in Christianity, and storytellers or prophets in Greek times. Furthermore, the people believe that their God or gods are above humans. Both cultures believe a god is above all mortal and of this earth, and he or she listens to people when they need help, and have supernatural power to help. This is why both the Christians and the Greeks pray to their God and gods for forgiveness. Another similarity between the religious beliefs of these two cultures is that they have explanations for many of ancient mysteries of life and major events on earth. The ancient Greeks and early Christians tried to find an explanation for the evil in the world, and both blame a woman for man’s downfall. Greeks believe a woman named Pandora opened a forbidden box and released all evil into the world. Christians believe a woman named Eve released evil after eating from a forbidden tree. Also, in both the ancient Greek and Christian beliefs of the early world, there exist stories of great floods that destroyed most of humankind. In Greek mythology, Zeus orders a man named Deucalion to make a chest in which he and his family can survive the flood Zeus was going to bring upon the earth. In the Bible, the account of Christian beliefs, God orders a man named Noah to build an ark in which he and his family, and two of each animal, can survive the destruction from a flood God was going to send. War was also a common characteristic of both the ancient Greek world and of the Biblical world. For example, the Trojan War is a major event in Greek history, and is written about most famously in Homer's Iliad. The gods always seemed to play important roles in this war, especially Zeus, Ares the god of war, and the other and goddesses living on Mount Olympus. Wars between Greek city-states were also common, with gods and goddesses almost always involved in them in some way. In similar comparison, the Bible accounts many stories of wars between different countries and religious groups, with God being involved in some way in the outcome or fate of the peoples. One of the most famous examples is the war between the Philistines and the Israelites. In this war, God interfered and sent a small shepherd boy David to save the Israelites. David does so by killing the giant Goliath, a super-human thing he would not have been able to accomplish without God's help. These examples show the cross-cultural belief that war was an important event in the ancient world, and the gods, and God, played significant roles. While Christianity and ancient Greek mythology have many similarities, there are key differences. The main and most obvious difference is that Christian belief is about only one God, and its beliefs and commandments are written about in the Bible. Christians regard the stories told in Bible as actual historical accounts of important people, events and concepts of faith. Greek mythology had 13 major gods and goddesses, and many lesser gods. Different Greek cities also worshipped different deities. There is no book like the â€Å"Bible†, rather many collections of stories that shaped early Greek culture. In short, Greek mythology was created to be the Greek's science for why things happened. Once they thought they figured out how things really happened, the belief in gods and goddesses faded away from Greek culture. The final difference I want to discuss to compare the ancient Greek creation story and that of Christian belief. In the ancient Greek story, at first there was only Chaos, a shapeless mass of darkness and meaninglessness. Out of Chaos came Nyx (night) and Erebus (the unfathomable deep). The first god to come into existence was Gaea, Mother Earth, though no one knows where she came from or how she came into being. Uranus, Father Sky, was born of Gaea as she slept. He became her husband, and together they had many children. One of these first gods’ descendants was Zeus. After much war between the gods and goddesses, Zeus became most powerful and assigned two lower gods the task of populating the earth with mortal creatures. With that task, one of the two gods granted so many gifts on the lower animals that when the time came to create man, there was nothing left. The beasts already had the sharp teeth and claws, the warm fur and feathers, the tough, protective hides, the wings and shells, speed, size, and strength. The wiser of these two lower gods was given task to figure out what gifts to bestow on man. The gods gave man a more noble, upright stance, so man would be above the beasts, with his face turned toward the heavens rather then down toward the ground. He also gave man an intelligence that reached much higher than the beasts’ mere cunning. In the Christian creation story, God was present in the beginning and He created the universe. At first the earth was shapeless and covered in darkness, and God's spirit hovered over the waters. God said, â€Å"Let there be light†. And there was light. God divided the day from the night, naming them ‘ day' and ‘night'. On the second through fifth day God made the heavens, commanded the waters to fill with living creatures and the air to fill with birds. On the sixth day God commanded the earth to bring forth all kinds of living creatures and He saw that it was good. God then said † Let us make man in our own image†. So God created man and woman in his own likeness and gave them authority over all living things. Adam, the first man, was created by God out of soil and given life by God's breath. Adam named all the animals and birds that God had made, But Adam had no companion of his own so God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and created woman – Eve- from one of Adam's ribs. In addition, unlike the beginning void of Chaos in Greek mythology, God is not a void of nothingness, but the beginning of all things. God also remains the ruler of the entire world in Biblical stories, while the Greek Chaos is forced out by several actual divine beings, the most important and permanent of those being Zeus. In conclusion I found there to be many interesting similarities between Christian faith and ancient Greek religious culture, but one final difference is that Christianity is practiced today and the Bible widely read in many countries and published in many languages, while ancient Greek belief system has faded away and become the stories of fantastical books, myths and legends.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Refutation: Is the American Dream Still a Possibility? Essay

The American Dream can be defined as- â€Å"a happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something that can be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by working hard and becoming successful.† (Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary) As we watch our country’s struggle throughout financial crises, we, as citizens, are torn in the belief that the American Dream is still possible. Although the outlook for our country includes events ranging from an apocalypse to another Great Depression, I am optimistic my â€Å"American Dream† can still be achieved, although it might be difficult. Although the Merriam-Webster Dictionary pinned the nail straight on the head, I see my American Dream as one with one day having a husband (who I do not divorce), children, a job teaching 2nd grade preferably here in Cortland, and a big brick house complete with a two-car garage and a vast backyard. I am aware that this essay is not about how my life should look like in about 10 years, but it is about if this dream is possible to becoming a reality. By the looks of our economy, by a college student’s perspective, the sky rocketing prices of education and the cost of living in a middle-class household, my American Dreams may be put on hold. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, â€Å"Between 1999–2000 and 2009–10, prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board at public institutions rose 37 percent, and prices at private institutions rose 25 percent, after adjustment for inflation.† (â€Å"Tuition Costs for Colleges and Universities†) Everyone tells students to go to college to get an education, because without one, one will go nowhere in life. If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I would be a millionaire, therefore not needing to be in college. Although having an education is very important to make any sort of significant amount of money in one’s life, sometimes it is impossible for many middleclass households to put multiple children through a 4-year institute. I find the amount of tuition many colleges are charging is ridiculous. Since the recession, it seems prices in all aspects of life  have been raised, especially education. I understand college is important to succeed in a particular career, but a student has options. There are many alternatives to spending unnecessary amounts of money on 4-year institutions. One of which is going to a community school. Community college is a sufficient alternative for saving significant amounts of money. Communtiy colleges are also very apprpriate for many professions that require less schooling like criminal justice, firefighting or even nursing, all of which are professions with substantial incomes. Why waste money on an expensive 4-year school to land the same job? Another solution to spending less money on education is to not go to college at all. I know this might sound bad first hearing it, but in many cases, parents and teachers are the driving pressure for students to go to college. We have been told ever since we were adolescents that we need to be something impressive when we grow up, but what if the student does not want to be something that requires going to a 4-year institution. If the parents and teachers truly let the students figure out exactly what they want to do with their future, then many families could possibly save a lot of money, making the American dream much easier to be achieved. Another issue that usually results from going to college has raised much concern for the graduating seniors: the job outlook. The recession has played a large role in the loss of jobs, as well as the difficulty to be hired. After the economic downfall, recent college graduates paid the price. â€Å"New college graduates had 40% fewer job prospects,† says Hibuh Yousuf of â€Å"CNN Money†. Due to the stats like this, many graduates believe that this is still true, and in some cases, it is, depending on the field of choice, but there is a solution to this problem. NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) states, â€Å"Students earning engineering degrees have seen some of the highest salary offers.†(Baden) They also go on to advocate that, â€Å"Students earning engineering degrees have seen some of the highest salary offers. As a group, the average salary offered to engineering majors rose 2.8 percent from last year’s average, to $60,291. The a verage salary offered to petroleum engineering graduates grew 7.1 percent to $82,740, making it the highest-paid major, according to the report.† (Baden) As one can tell, jobs in the science and math fields are much needed and have an impressive job outlook. If one choses a career that they enjoy and has a good job outlook,  then the American Dream is not that impossible after all. No one ever said it would be easy, but I believe the American Dream is still alive, even for us poor college students. I feel as though through the recent hardships our country has faced many people believe the American dream can no longer be achieved, but they only think in those terms because America has become lazy and we have forgotten how to work for what we want in life. Unfortunately, there is no solution for America to be more motivated, but the future is truly in our hands, and we have the choice to fight for it.

Friday, September 27, 2019

4.2. American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

4.2. American Revolution - Essay Example George Washington who is counted in the list of the founding fathers of the country did not have a very comfortable childhood and he became a land surveyor during his teenage. His assessment of land helped him when he became a part of the military. He was made the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in the year 1775. Following this, he performed his duties in an extraordinary way leading his soldiers to victory eventually. He did not give up hope and kept on pushing for the fight to continue which then became the reason for the surrendering of the British troops in the year 1781. His important decisions during the period of war were the unexpected attacks on the military bases at Trenton in 1776 and at Princeton in the year 1777 2. The success of Washington and his popularity during the American Revolution led him to become the first President of the United States of America in 1789. His services in the war are still remembered and he was an important figure of the Revolution3 (Learning 2008). Blythe, Bob. 2008. â€Å"George Washington.† The American Revolution.National Park Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. 2008. Accessed March 28, 2013.

How to prepare yourself for the examination Assignment

How to prepare yourself for the examination - Assignment Example 3-3:30 P.M. Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh 3:30 to 6:00 P.M. Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems 6-8 P.M. Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out 8-10 P.M. Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science 10-11:30 P.M. Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths 11:30 -1 A.M. Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Rest of time Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Amount of time for revision You certainly need not to be worried about the revision. The time schedule in the above table itself will give you the excellent record. But, finish all your exercise within two months time. Using old papers That's really an excellent idea. It will give you clear picture of examination. But use these papers during your revision process. When you are revising all your exercises be ready with the old papers and find out where you are getting the difficulty to answer the question. If needed, go through those sections again and again carefully. Have a good look at all these papers and find out which sections are regularly asked. Emphasize those sections more during your revision phase. Checking time to answer the question This is of course a stupid question to answer, because it depends on various factors. Some of those may be your grasping power, ability to answer the question quickly and correctly, picking which question to answer first and the most important is your knowledge. If you know everything, I am quiet sure you will be answering all questions before time.... How to prepare yourself for the examination? Before you start the below discussed strategy make sure that you are concentrate enough to carry on your scheduled task properly, make excellent study environment in your room, try to stick with table and chair and have a table lamp (If you can manage) for good concentration to your studies. That's really an excellent idea. It will give you clear picture of examination. But use these papers during your revision process. When you are revising all your exercises be ready with the old papers and find out where you are getting the difficulty to answer the question. If needed, go through those sections again and again carefully. Have a good look at all these papers and find out which sections are regularly asked. Emphasize those sections more during your revision phase. This is of course a stupid question to answer, because it depends on various factors. Some of those may be your grasping power, ability to answer the question quickly and correctly, picking which question to answer first and the most important is your knowledge. If you know everything, I am quiet sure you will be answering all questions before time. So never be worried about this phase. But for your own satisfaction you must check it at least once. Just lock your room, be with a watch, got to chair and start answering the questions. Now the wisest point is in picking the paper. Answer those papers which you have not tried during you revision.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space Research Paper

Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space - Research Paper Example r, is not always the case in the country because many parks continue to suffer from lack of essential recreational facilities or over-emphasis on the natural environment at the expense of modern park facilities for sports and other modern forms of recreation (Godbey et al., 2008). The major problem is that irrespective of the relative development of many other public facilities in urban areas in the country, recreational parks still remain largely underdeveloped and traditional. The lack of modern facilities and other incentives in parks is keeping many people especially of the young generation from sufficiently utilizing these essential public spaces. 1.2 Research Questions This study was aimed at answering the following questions; 1) What is the role of recreational parks in urban neighborhoods in the area of study? 2) Is there optimum utilization of recreational parks in the area? 3) What are the challenges facing recreational parks in the study area? 4) What steps can be taken to modernize recreational parks for optimum value to the communities they serve? 1.3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health. 2.0 Literature Review In view of the importance of parks as... The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health.In view of the importance of parks as areas for recreation and environmental conservation, many studies are increasingly being carried out to highlight their physical and social benefits to the society as well as improve their management.Urban nature in the form of parks, forests, and green belts, and its components such as trees and water, positively impacts the environment and ecology of a region. It accomplishes â€Å"important environmental services such as air and water purification, the wind and noise filtering, and microclimate stabilization†. Thus, parks promote physical health by providing green spaces and fresh air for exercising and walking and increase social well-being through opportunities for interacting with neighbors and peers at a shared, common location. The social and psychological services of parks and recreation are vital for the livability of modern cities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysis of Personal Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Analysis of Personal Finance - Case Study Example    The Share Portfolio of Ms. Joan Watterson comprises of 2500 Telstra & 1000 AMP shares which she has been holding for more than a year. However, it may be noted that Ms. Watterson is not a very keen equity investor and these investments were accidental. The Capital gain that Ms. Watterson can earn (if these shares were sold now) is equivalent to $3000. Company Numbers of Shares Share Price (as on April 27, 2012) Value of Shares Telstra 2500 3.511 8775 AMP 1000 4.252 4250 All shares were bought and have been held for over one year. The total value of shares: $13025. Telstra paid a dividend worth 0.14 (both 100% franked)3 twice during the last one year, which is the period Ms. Watterson was holding its 2500 shares. During the same period, AMP paid a dividend worth 0.15 (30% franked) and 0.14 (50% franked)4. We can compute the franking credits for Joan Watterson as follows: Franking Credits = Dividend * (3 / 7) * Franking Percentage5 Franking credits for Telstra = $300 and Franking credits for AMP =30 + 19.28 = $49.28 Total Franking Credits = $349.28. 1.3. ... Disposable Income Value Notes Taxable Annual Salary $62000 Dividends received $990 2500 * 2 * 0.14 = $700 1000*0.14 + 1000*0.15=$290 Franking credits $349.28 Interest on cash 4% of $4444 4.25% of $4500 Balance in Holiday account- $4444 (puts in $200 per month at 4%). Balance in Common Wealth Bank (CBA) account- $4500 (interest rate 4.25%)6 Taxable Income $63025.19 Tax Payment $4650 + 0.3*(63025.19-37000) = 12457.55 For taxable income $37,001 - $80,000, the applicable tax is $4,650 plus 30c for each $1 over $37,0007 Disposable Income $50567.63 1.4. Total Expenses per annum Expenses Value per Year Notes Mortgage payment $9050 $7200 (actual fringe benefit per annum + additional $600 per month) Laundry $300 Food & grocery $8400 $700 per month Clothing & shoes $1000 Electricity & gas $660 $110 per two months Phone & Internet $1800 $150 per month Municipal Rates $1000 Water $600 Car Expense Licensing $500 Comprehensive insurance $500 Running cost & repair $2500 Car Loan 0 Medical expense $ 1200 $100 per month Holiday expense $ 5000 Entertainment $4800 $100 per week Gifts $1920 (of which $633.6 is tax deductable) $40 per week (33% of which is in donations to community aid and tax deductable) Other expenses $2400 $200 per month Superannuation Expense $1380 Additional contribution made into West State per month (from taxed income) Total Expenses $50,210  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sociology Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology Paper - Essay Example In the reading, â€Å"making sense of the senseless: understanding genocide†, the authors begin with a statement that solidifies their greater purpose. That is, â€Å"all genocides are horrific, but not all genocides are the same. they can arise from cold-blooded calculations, realistic fears instincts for revenge, or ideologies of purification. understanding-and perhaps forestalling- genocide requires clear distinctions,† (Chirot & Edwards, p.406). A clear distinction to be made would be that, while genocide and the wars that come about are horrid, their root causes can differ to varying degrees, by what caused them in the first place. The inner meaning of the text, as written by Daniel Chirot and Jennifer Edwards, is to consider the frightening human atrocities of such events as the ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, as well as the extermination of the Jewish people during World War II, along with Rwanda, but to look at them through the means in which they were initiated. â€Å"The inevitable comparisons of these recent atrocities to those of the past, most notably the Holocaust, are highly controversial. Classifying an event as a genocide can be used to legitimate the claims of survivors or as justification for reprisals against perpetrators. Therefore, several questions about genocide should be considered: (1) How successful does an attempted â€Å"cleansing† of a group need to be to warrant classification as genocide? (2) Does a certain number or percentage of a population need to be killed? (3) Does the intent of the perpetrators make any difference? (4) Should the term genocide be reserved for the murder and expulsion of religious or ethnic minority groups or can political dissidents or enemies in war be victims of genocide?† (Chirot & Edwards, p.406). The subjective facts listed within the article would be the tendency of many to want to classify any form of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Managing change, Qatar Telecommunications - OOREDOO case study

Managing change, Qatar Telecommunications - OOREDOO - Case Study Example From the research it can be comprehended that there are some of the changes that calls for organisations to have change management that would help them cope with ever evolving changes. As businesses continue to experience growth, the contemporary businesses world continue to become complex as new and old businesses develop new competitive strategies that triggers change in the way business is conducted. For instance, since the law of controlling monopoly was enacted, Ooredoo has been facing stiff competition from other plays in the market. Vodafone has, for example, been gaining grounds slowly as customers start to focus on a wide range of factors that are favourable to them. Low prices have been the main focus for customers since the market has been preoccupied by high calling rates. In this regard, Ooredoo has no option other than change management to cope with the new challenges for it to continue being at the top as it used to be during monopolistic time. Although many people wou ld argue that Ooredoo did not have change management in its earlier years when it used to operate on monopoly basis, it is arguable that the company employed organisational strategy to provide ever changing dynamics of business in regard to emergence of new products and services. However, the change for strategy in the recent years is what has triggered more physical changes especially on pricing that has made people think that the company just begun change management concept due to competition.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

New Military Interrogation Rules Essay Example for Free

New Military Interrogation Rules Essay The film â€Å"In the Name of the Father† had been based on occurrences that occur even in real life. The film gave us a close look on how our justice system could be manipulated in order to suit the wishes of certain people. The film showed innocent people being convicted and accused of the crimes they have done. The fact that those guilty of the crimes confessed their wrongdoings did not hinder the police from punishing the innocent people. The film showed how unfair the British system of Justice is. It showed how the police made use of their positions in order to justify their brutality. They have even made it a point to use brutality in order to make innocent people confess of the crimes they have not made just as can be seen on one part of the movie wherein Gerry had been beaten by the police in order to write a false confession of the sin he did not make. Another annoying part on the movie had been the fact that his father had been charged as an accomplice and thus he had also been taken into prison where he died. The very fact that his innocent father had been made into a criminal and had died in prison grilled Gerry a lot and thus he did everything in his power in order to clear his father name as well as his own, thus the title â€Å"In the Name of the Father†. Denying their prisoners food, and beating them into pulps can be seen on most part of the movie and the police did not stop their brutality until the prisoners confessed for the sins they have done. Dogs are treated in better ways than the prisoner had been treated by the police in the movie. The things the police did goes against the principle of what justice ought to be like. In fact, the brutality did not even ceased when the real crime offender admitted his sin. The police covered the happenings for such a long time until a lawyer came and meddled with their affairs. Of course, the unfairness of the justice system is not as bad as it used to but it does not necessarily mean that the unfairness of the justice system is no longer present on our society as of today. Being forced to sign a false admission by using police brutality as well as involving the suspect’s family on his hardship is still happening today. I mean there are those who are condemned as criminals and their family suffers almost the same level of torture the suspect’s suffer simply because they are related to the suspect. There are even times that even those people close to you are also accused of as accomplice even though the police do not have any sufficient evidences. Often times, we are deceived into thinking that those who are in power is doing things for the common good without realizing the fact that they have been doing things to ensure no one’s good but their own. There are certain rules on the interrogation tactics that are legal to use nowadays but it does not stop some people from abusing their power and still going on with the interrogation tactics being prohibited by the law. We should bear in mind that some interrogation tactics are not allowed nowadays. However, they still happen. There are many cases being reported about police brutality which necessitates improvement however, no such improvements ever happen because police brutality is still very common up to this point in time. The subjects of these abuses are mostly poor people because they do not have the means necessary to demand for justice and thus their voices are seldom heard. Innocent people are being convicted of crimes which they know nothing about. All of us should acknowledge the fact that certain interrogation tactics are banned by the government because they are unjust and it goes against the principle of human rights. Kantian ethics would tell us that each human ought to be treated with respect and not simply as a means to an end. Even using its anti thesis, utilitarianism, police brutalities would still not be justified since it goes against the principle of greatest good for the greatest number of people since only those who hold power could benefit from the rotten way the government works and thus it could lead to the disturbance of the peace within a society. However, these does not stop some people in power from disobeying the law and this could go on forever unless the citizenry decides to do something about it. Reference: CBS News. (2004). New Military Interrogation Rules [Electronic Version]. Use Of Aggressive Tactics Barred; 300 Iraqis Released From Abu Ghraib. Retrieved May 21, 2007 from http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2004/05/15/iraq/main617654. shtml. Sheridan, J. , George, T. (Writer) (1993). In the Name of the Father. In L. OConnor, G. Byrne T. George (Producer).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Reasons for not Encrypting Data Essay Example for Free

Reasons for not Encrypting Data Essay Encryption of data involves using particular software such as PGP to put it in the form only understandable by the intended recipient. However, encryption does not fully guarantee the security of the data nowadays with introduction of sophisticated malwares by hackers. Most of the popular emails used –yahoo, Gmail, and hotmail- encrypts passwords and information on transit automatically and thus it more or less important to first encrypt your emails. For instance, yahoo applies SSL tools to encrypt all data. Using encryption software involves a lot time as one has to validate every email before sending it with a key. A person who has initiated the use of encryption service has to publish hi/her key so that other have access to it as well as other person’s public key. Besides, the key has to be unique and complex to mitigate possible hacking. Consequently, the recipient of the email must be using encryption software as well as have the necessary public and private key to decrypt the information. This means that communication with individuals who are not using encryption software is difficult. A situation whereby a person is the solitary user of software among the others could probably arise (Shankland, 2010). Additionally, key management is challenging to anyone who is not conversant with IT because of vulnerabilities to encryption, such as `brute force` cracking and `back doors`. It is via using lengthy keys and genuine software that can mitigate this although not totally (NetAction, 2001). According to Whitten (1999) if you are using encryption software, one is forced to back it up and some other of user’s action are delicate in that they are irreversible. Thus, a high risk of losing valuable data and they include deleting private key accidentally, publicizing one’s key accidentally, revoking a key accidentally, and forgetting a pass phrase. If a private key is deleted, it is totally gone whereas forgetting lengthy key for instance â€Å"S411!! y are: #1 i/\/! mY! b00k!!! † terminates the usefulness of the encryption program. Reason being that one can no longer be able to decrypt information/data that he/she encrypted earlier. References Whitten, A. (1999). Why Johnny Can’t encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP 5. 0. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from http://gaudior. net/alma/johnny. pdf Shankland, S. (2010, January). Want really secure Gmail? Try GPG encryption. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from http://news. cnet. com/8301-30685_3-10434684-264. html NetAction. (2001). Do you need encryption? Retrieved July 28, 2010 from http://www. netaction. org/encrypt/guide. html#vulnerabilities

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Definition And Concept Of Spatial Integration Cultural Studies Essay

The Definition And Concept Of Spatial Integration Cultural Studies Essay The definition and concept of Spatial Integration in historic cities or towns is not accurately defined as it has been seen as an essential component of the present integration in the cities of towns. According  [1]  to European Spatial Development Programme (ESDP) under the Noordwijk project, Spatial integration expresses the opportunities for and level of (economic, cultural) interaction within and between areas and may reflect the willingness to co-operate. It also indicates, for example, levels of connectivity between transport systems of different geographical scales. Spatial integration is positively influenced by the presence of efficient administrative bodies, physical and functional complementarity between areas and the absence of cultural and political controversies. In itself, the term interaction can seem at least as global as the one of integration. However, this term, often coupled with the spatial or territorial qualifier is often used in scientific literature, in particular by geographers. In a wide sense, the concept of spatial interaction can be related to any kind of relationship between places (connexity, similarity, flows, and proximity) and one could assimilate the analysis of spatial interaction to spatial analysis in itself, or even to geography. In the practice of (mainly geographical) research, spatial interaction often takes a more limited and technical meaning and may refer to a phenomenon described as decreasing of the intensity of flows with distance. Different spatial interaction models have been built in order to give account of this phenomenon, many of them relying on the general gravity model, based on distance and on relative weights of the considered entities. Taking into account the ESDP definition, its global approach as well as the history of the criterion, it seems that interaction must be understood here as a rather comprehensive concept, that cannot be directly limited to some domains of relationships, nor even to spatial interaction as it is generally understood. For example the definition mentions interaction between areas rather than spatial interaction, which could indicate that distance is not necessarily seen as central (maybe because the concept of distance is more specific of another criterion, Geogr aphic position) The ESDP definition, through its reference to willingness to co-operate and to absence of cultural and political controversies, also indicates that the social and human aspects play an important role in an open minded approach of the concept of spatial interaction. Besides its various interpretations, use of the term interaction in the definition of the Noordwijk draft of ESDP can also be seen as conveying some implicit ideas through its etymology. Spatial integration and (spatial) cohesion:- There is often reference to the terms which are or their meaning is related or closed to the integration in the European documents. In the Article B under title I of Treaty of European Union, the most often term under the aims and objectives, is the economic and social cohesion. There is no specific definition of cohesion (Economic and social) in the Treaty, but there is reference is to reduce the disparities between the levels of development of the various regions and the backwardness of the least favoured regions, including rural areas. The analysis of the first report on social and economic cohesion describes the situation of the European regions in the same perspective of assessment of inequalities and of their trends. In those terms, cohesion seems closely related to the idea of homogeneity and Spatial (or territorial) cohesion is relatively less mentioned compared to social and economic cohesion. Spatial integration and co-operation:- The Noordwijk project of ESDP introduces in its definition the concept of willingness to co-operate, as a basis for spatial integration. This adds an important dynamic element to understanding of territorial (or spatial) integration. Co-operation is often associated to integration, although there are some fundamental differences between the two concepts. A priori, the concept of spatial interaction, which is at the core of the definition of spatial integration, has no positive or negative sense. Spatial interaction generally relies on human motivation (even if natural phenomena such as floods may cause spatial interaction), but these motivations might not be shared by all actors nor lead to win-win situations. In contrast, absence of co-operation may result either in a limited level of spatial interaction, as relationships will not be supported by all actors, or in unbalanced relationships solely ruled by the law of the strongest. Lack of co-operation can be observed in practice in some cases where actual relations are less than one would expect in view of shared interests, physical possibilities available, or presence of spatial systems to manage (e.g. river basins). But absence of co-operation may also exist where integration (in terms of interactions) is strong, and in those cases it may have harmful effects for some of the partners. Although the ESDP mentions the willingness to co-operate, it must be said that co operation does not always rely on willingness but also on need to co-operate. This allows us to distinguish between situations that require co-operation (even if the partners are somewhat reluctant) and situations where spatial integration is actually weak but the willingness to co-operate exists. In the second case, certain material organisational changes may lead to an increase in the significance of relations between areas. Attempting to translate the concept of spatial co-operation into indicators is recognised as being a very difficult task, as co-operation mainly relies on a state of mind and on organisational patterns that do not necessarily imply easily measurable phenomena. Networks of places:- For many authors, it is useful to reflect further on how places are linked, in order that integration might occur. Places are no longer considered as simple geographical constructs; rather they are defined through social analysis (for a review, see Amin and Graham, 1998). These stress that places are articulated moments in networks of social relations and understandings rather than areas with boundaries around (Massey, 1993; 66). In this configuration socially-constructed places are noncontiguous, diverse, dynamic and superimposed. As well as being bound to place-based relations, cultural, social, economic, political and environmental links and relations can be stretched across space (Graham and Healey, 1999 (forthcoming)). This partially reflects a more sophisticated analysis of how networks of cities and towns interact, an area that Theme 2 explores further. As Dematteis notes we have witnessed the passage from a functional organisation in which the centres are graded with a multi-level hierarchy (as in the models of Christaller and Là ¶sch) to interconnected networks organised on the basis of the corresponding complementarities of the nodes and the synergies produced (Dematteis, 1994). It also reflects an understanding that it is not places which interact but the people and organisations (actors) which inhabit that space. Geoff Mulgan (1997) labels the current era one of Connexity. This reflects the ESDPs definition of spatial integration as: Opportunities for and level of interaction within and between areas. In Mulgans view cultures, economies, social worlds, politics and environments all become driven by logics of increasingly intense interconnections and flows, over larger and larger geographical scales. A growing range of economic, social, and cultural interactions which are both in place and out of place (Adams, 1996; 279) are being supported by modern communications technologies (Graham and Healey, ibid.). Of course, it is possible that connections may only occur between specific sections of society. We may therefore witness different social geographies of spatial integration. The Noordwijk project of ESDP suggests that measures of spatial integration will include levels of linkage between transport systems at different geographical scales. However, a fuller interpretation of the conception offered above implies that spatial integration is wider than simply transport linkages but includes all transactions (or flows) between areas. To Mulgan, the growing importance of network-based connections means that economies are increasingly driven by the logical or virtual regularities of electronic communication, a new geography of nodes and hubs, processing and control centres. The nineteenth centurys physical infrastructures of railways, canals and roads are now overshadowed by the networks of computers, cables and radio links that govern where things go, how they are paid for, and who has access to what. The physical manifestation of power, walls, boundaries, highways and cities, are overlaid with a virtual world of information hubs, databases and networks (Mulgan, 1991; 3). India: According  [3]  to Jordar, Souro D., Spatial integration is the combination of all the activities like economic, social and physical which can be achieved by the modern spatial planning tools and techniques, different and dual modes for the participation towards development in the cities. There are very few cities in India which have undergone planned development by using the modern spatial planning tools and techniques towards spatial integration. The author signifies the role of resources like land and infrastructure in the spatial integration of cities. Moreover, the role of modes like public and private sectors, public/private sector for the development of spatial integration, is also most important for spatial development. Brazil: According  [4]  to Edja Bezerra Faria and Valerio Augusto in their paper, Spatial Integration/Configuration is a set of independent relations in which each is determined by its relation to others and the fundamental correlate is of the spatial integration/configuration is movement . But according  [5]  to Hillier, (1996, 35/152), The structure of the grid considered purely as a spatial integration/configuration, is itself the most powerful determinant of urban movement, both pedestrian and vehicular. Because this relation is fundamental and lawful, it has already been a powerful force in shaping our historically evolved cities, by its effect on land use patterns, building densities and part-whole structure of the city. South America: According  [6]  to Poul Ove Pedersen and Walter Stà ¶hr Spatial development and Economic Integration is associated with spatial distribution of physical geographical patterns, transport networks, economic activities, natural resources different policies etc and change is these factors can change the spatial integration pattern in the areas/city or in the region. South Africa: Within the constitution, for the basis of new development and local government system, white paper was introduced which highlights and committed to cover all the sectors to meet the demands of the society. According  [7]  to it, Spatial integration is a strategy for doing away with the expensive and exclusionary land-use patterns of apartheid. It seeks to enhance the efficiency of the city by placing residential development closer to job opportunities, and reduce the costs of development by exploiting surplus bulk infrastructural capacity. Spatial integration also has a social dimension and can increase the access of low-income residents to facilities and opportunities in the city. For the Integration of cities, towns and rural areas which has different spatial dimensions like social, an economic etc, the objective is to create more efficient and equitable cities, towns and rural areas. In Contrast to many literatures, Hilliers establishment of a theory of space as configuration and series of related methodologies, called space syntax, (Hillier Hanson, 1984; Hillier, 1996) that spreads a new light on the spatial formation of area structure. Hillier (1987, 1989) first suggested that optimizing correlations between spatial configuration measured by spatial integration and movement rates and the growth of settlements changes the pattern of Integration. The concept of spatial integration was also identified in the European Spatial Development Programme (ESDP) throughout the various versions. The First document which was on spatial planning issues, when it appeared first time in 1994 and it was centred on the specific aspect of cross-border relationships but slowly it came out with wider vision which was summarised later in the first official project of ESDP. After the evolution of Noordwijk, 1997, the next version of ESDP was produced in Glasgow in 1998 which came out with removal of few terms (economic, cultural) while it maintained the definition. Later on, the final and official version was adopted in Postdam, 1999 in which no indications on the definition of spatial integration or the concept of spatial integration. The CEMAT also gave same kind of Guidelines for Sustainable Spatial Planning to maintain spatial balance. It was also asked to produce synthetic indexes which should be able to take into account the seven dimensions of spatial differentiation in a global approach. These criteria, it is argued, provide a starting point for recognising and assessing the spatial dimension of the ESDP and, in combination, have a particular value for the purpose of spatial analysis. As it was recognised, spatial integration is, perhaps, one of the criteria which is most directly related to the concept of spatial planning itself. Consequently, and by virtue of its comprehensive nature, it may often overlap the fields of interest of the other criteria. From the start criterion has an overlay with the criteria Geographical position (1.1) but also with all the other criteria of spatial differentiation and probably with all the other parts of the call for proposals. In other words, the question of spatial integration is present everywhere in the SPESP and it is well known that what is everywhere is also nowhere. For example, there is a potential overlap between spatial integration and geographical position on the questions of distances and of transport and communication infrastructures. Some less obvious overlaps may occur with social integration (about integration factors such as language, culture, political sensitivity), with economic strength (economic functions generating relationships), with land use pressure (impact on migration moves through effects on land prices) or with natural and cultural assets (common resources that can account for spatial relationships). Links exist also with work on the urban rural relationships typology and urban rural partnerships considered under theme 2. All this indicates that one of the first tasks related to the work on this study strand is a deepening of the concepts, taking into account not only the concept of spatial integration itself, but also some other related concepts that may help to delineate the field of the study. The previous points all go to show how interrelated the concept of spatial integration is with concepts such as economic and social integration. Far from serving to narrow its field of application, the body of literature concerned with spatial integration is in fact serving to widen its influence. This raises the question of identifying the specific nature of spatial integration, and reminds of another similar question, that is identification of the specific nature of spatial planning / spatial development. In both cases, the multi-facetted nature generates a difficulty to focus on specific issues, notably because isolating the spatial dimension of a reality is a rather abstract exercise whose practical purpose is not always obvious to perceive.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Role of Religion in Determining the Earths Shape :: Geography

Role of Religion in Determining the Earth's Shape The Greek geographers of the later Roman period developed systematic calculations for the mapping and shaping of the earth. However, what would come to replace these systematic calculations? Why were the ideologies of a flat earth accepted and why were those of a spherical earth ridiculed? The answer to this question is very simple and can be answered by one clear and concise word: Religion. "Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her." (Ezekiel 5:5) This verse from the of book Ezekiel simply states that the city of Jerusalem should be in the center of all maps created. This eliminated the need for any latitude or longitude. Before hand, there had been more than six hundred maps created, not one having this holy city as the center. There was nothing new about putting "the most sacred place at the center" says Boorstin. The Hindus placed Mount Meru, a mythological 70,000 foot high mountain at the center of their map. In the Muslim faith, the Ka'bah in Mecca was the highest point on earth and the polestar showed the city of Mecca to be opposite the center of the sky. As one can clearly see, many maps, had different centers. Each map had a different center, each based on a different religion. Many years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Greeks theorized that the earth was a globe. But after that, there was a period in history called "The Great Interruption." This period was categorized by a complete silence where people in general, forgot about the issue of whether the earth was flat or whether it was a globe. Another reason that brought the theories of a globular world to rest was because the priests told the general public that the earth was flat. Priests such as St. Augustine and others invented the Antipode theory, which stated that a world shaped like a globe is impossible because objects would be hanging downwards and growing backwards. Once again, religion played a major part in this argument that would rage on for many years to come. To conclude, much like the theories of the priests in the first 400 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, who said that Jerusalem was the center of a flat earth, one might be able to relate this period in time to a much more recent and modern one. Prior to the French Revolution in 1789,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Robert Frost Essay -- Robert Frost Poet Poems Essays

Robert Frost   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert Frost, an Americian poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. This paper will discuss the thought process of Frost during his writings, the many tools which he used, and provide two examples of his works.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert Frost was born in San Franciso on March 26, 1874, but later moved to Lawrence, Massachuschusetts (after his father died) where he did most of his writing. He was a simple man who taught, worked in a mill, was a reporter, was a New England farmer, and wrote. Throughout his life he had always been interested in literature. He attended Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. In 1894 he sold his first work â€Å"My Butterfly: An Elegy† to a New York journal. A year later he married Elinor White. From 1897 to 1899 he attended Harvard College as a special student but left before he acquired his degree. For the next ten years he wrote poems, operated a farm in Derry, New Hampshire, and taught at Derry’s Pinkerton Academy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1912 he sold his farm and moved to England where he could work on his writings full time. He was an instant success! â€Å"A Boy’s Will† was accepted by a London Publisher and a year later so was â€Å"North of Boston†. He also began to get recognized in America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Frosts sailed for America in 1915 and landed in New York two days after the Americian release of †North of Boston†. The book was a good success and he used the profits to buy a farm in Fanconia, New Hampshire. During this time Frost began to write his most successful poems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frost was once asked his thought process during writing; he responded:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I sometimes speak from the last thing that happened to me. I got asked today if I think up poems. Do I think them up? How do I get the right one? Well, it is the hardest thing in the world to tell. But I don’t think up poems. I pick up a lot of things I thought of to make a poem; that is a lot of scattered thoughts through the days that are handy for the poem-that’s about all. That’s where the thinking comes in.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That is truly an amazing feat; he would just walk around looking at things and a poem would come into his head. He would write these entire inspirational poems in his head and didn’t even think that it was unusual. The best poet of the 20th century did not write rough drafts!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1915 he moved to New England and... ... the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy. He once stated that his major goal in life was to write â€Å"a few poems that would be hard to get rid of.† Well, congratulations Mr. Frost. Works Cited Field, Evgene. Poems of Childhood. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons Inc. 1925 Gerber, Philip L. Robert Frost. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1967. Greiner, Donald J. Robert Frost: The Poet and His Critics. Chicago: American Library   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Association, 1974. Lathem, Edward Connery, ed. The Poetry of Robert Frost. New York: NA, 1969. Lathem, Edward, ed. Interviews with Robert Frost. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1966. NA. Robert Lee Frost. CD-Rom. Microsoft, 1999. Reeve, F.D. Robert Frost in Russia. Boston: Little, Brown Publishers, 1964. Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley. Robert Frost: The Trail by Existence. New York: Holt, Rinehart,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Winston, 1960. Thompson, Lawrance. Robert Frost: The Early years, 1874-1915. New York: Holt, Rinehart and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Winston, 1966. Unger, Leonard, ed. American Writers. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, Inc. 1961. Van Egmond, Peter. The Critical Reception of Robert Frost. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., 1974.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How to End a Relationship Essay

Ending a relationship with your partner is never an easy thing to do, but if one finds themselves unhappy in the relationship than the best thing to do would be to part ways. It is important to not force yourself to be in a relationship if you are no longer happy. Ending the relationship can be better in order to avoid further issues and heart ache. You owe it to yourself and your partner to call it quits if things aren’t working out. Ending a relationship can be difficult, but by utilizing these four essential steps; thinking things through, arrange to meet up in person, be honest, and being compassionate and understanding, you can assist the process for both you and your partner. First, make sure to think things through and decide if ending the relationship is what you really want to do. You will need to make sure to avoid impulsive actions that can lead you to hasty decisions that you will end up regretting. Make sure to give yourself time after a heated issue/argument in order to start thinking clearly. Once you feel more relaxed a list of pros and cons can be extremely helpful in assisting you through this difficult decision. While making your list, it is always important not to over think about the different scenarios and make sure to keep it simple. The list compiled should be used to help put things into perspective and allow a clear picture about the next phase that is needed. Second, give your partner the courtesy and respect of ending the relationship  with them in person. By being able to sit down face to face with your partner the communication of feelings and concerns/issues will become evident both in verbal tones and body gesture. If possible, avoid meeting up around special days; holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, because it would not be fair to ruin those days for them. It is also important to avoid locations that were of importance to both of you or overly crowded areas. Even though you already know how the end of your meeting will turn out, it is helpful to have a conversation to allow both persons the opportunity to release feelings. This might be the last time the two of you might be together so closure and honesty is needed for both of you to be able to move forward. Third, honesty is the most important foundation of any relationship, regardless of the state of the relationship. It is important for you to start the conversation and jump right into the reason for the meeting without beating around the bush. Be as honest, concise, and to the point as possible. Make sure to complete your full thought before allowing your partner the chance to speak. Create a positive, open environment in which you both feel at ease in saying anything that needs to be said in that moment. It is important at this step to list issues/concerns that you had with the relationship and this is where your pros/cons list can be useful. Make sure to be honest about the bad times, but also the good times as well. Choosing your words wisely will allow you to give constructive criticism on issues, being effective in getting your point across, and at the same time making sure to be gentle and considerate of your partner’s feelings. Ultimately, being compassionate and understanding will allow both of you to be helpful to each other to ease through the process of ending the relationship. Both of you will be experiencing hurt feelings, but in order to end things amicably you will want to do your best to be there for the other person in the moment. If needed, in the moment, be there to offer a shoulder to lean on for your partner. Guidelines regarding any further contact with each other should also be put in place so that it can assist with this new transition for your partner. Let them know that things will be okay and in due time they will see that the relationship had to turn out the  way it did for the benefit of both of you. At the end of a relationship you will have many emotions that will need to be dealt with in order to move forward. Knowing that the relationship has come to an end is only the start of the long process ahead. Allow yourself time to think about the relationship and whether it can be salvaged. When the relationship can no longer be fixed create a moment to speak to your partner in person. Going into that meeting you should be prepared to be honest and allow your partner to be honest with you as well. At the end of the relationship you and your partner might not be at the same point of the ending and it is important and helpful to assist them by being compassionate and understanding of their needs. By following these steps you can help transition through the end of the relationship and allow for growth that can assist both partners in their future relationships.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Human †Meaning of life Essay

?I really have to give credit for my religion & beliefs for my search on the meaning of life. I’m a fully baptized Catholic, and a part of God’s Church. 17 years of being a Catholic and in search of the meaning of life, I have always thought it is about the Call to Holiness. My religion taught me that being a part of God’s Church is no accident, but because God wanted to share in His own blessed life, and in doing so He wanted me to desire & serve Him freely by following His will. And by following his will, God will grant me eternal happiness which will lead to my salvation. All Catholics knew that God sent His son, Jesus, to set an example for us. Jesus showed the perfect example & answered the call to Holiness. He showed us that we should love our neighbors as God showed His love for us; and that is what the Call to Holiness is. In search for the true meaning of life, it will take plenty of years, but for now I plan to stick with what my religion has taught me. Carl Rogers Carl Rogers emphasized & focused on self-actualization. He believed that a person should develop his/her potential to the fullest, and in good condition. In doing so, the environment of a person should be inherently good. A person will only stop developing if constraints block the development. A fully developed person shows that he/she achieved the highest level of being a right & fully-functioning human being. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi, which means â€Å"great soul,† was an ideologist during the Independent movement of India from the British. As an ideological leader he believed violence should never be an answer to fight for his people’s rights, and should never take discrimination. He also believed that harmony, truth & equality exists between all religions. With these 2 influential personas, I have noticed similarities between them. They both talk about human beings having a common good inside of them. They emphasized that all humans were born good, but because of destructive environment, they tend to turn their backs on what is right. Sources: http://www. simplypsychology. org/carl-rogers. html http://www. ask. com/question/what-were-gandhi-s-beliefs.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Exocytosis in Paramecium

In Paramecium caudate, trichinosis are IOWA secretors vesicles that are released from the cytoplasm. We first observed how the presence of Alicia blue dye triggers normal secretion of trichinosis, and we then tested four different hypotheses in order to determine how the presence of Ca++ ions in the extracurricular and intracellular environment affects the secretion of trichinosis.Our first our hypothesis tested whether extracurricular calcium is required for the secretion of trichinosis by reading cells with EST., an agent that blocks calcium ions; our second tested whether increased calcium will counter the inhibitory effects of EST.; our third tested whether adding different ion, like Magic, can also counter the inhibitory effects of EST.; and our fourth hypothesis tested whether the release of intracellular calcium by adding caffeine or oenophile affects exoticism.Our results demonstrate that exoticism of tricycles is dependent on the presence of calcium ions in both the intracel lular and extracurricular environments. Introduction: Exoticism in eukaryotic cells is the process in which macromolecular material is released from the cell into the extracurricular environment; one example of exoticism is the secretion of trichinosis in paramecium. Trichinosis are secreted from the cell as a defense mechanism when certain stimuli are introduced into the extracurricular environment.The secretion of trichinosis is controlled by the presence of Ca*+ ions within the plasma membrane and in the extracurricular environment. The purpose of our experiment was to observe the extent to which exoticism is pendant on the presence of extracurricular and intracellular calcium ions, and to determine if other extracurricular ions can have the same effect as calcium. The cells were first treated with 0. 03% Alicia blue dye, which triggers normal exoticism. Cells were then treated with EST., an agent that inhibits calcium, in order to observe how triptychs secretion is affected when calcium ions are sequestered.Additional calcium ions were added to the extracurricular environment to determine if the effects f EST. could be countered by increasing calcium. The cells were then exposed to a different ion, Magic, to observe if a different ion could have the same promoting effect in the extracurricular environment as calcium. Finally, the effect of intracellular calcium was tested by treating cells with a calcium oenophile (A23187) and caffeine, which both stimulate the processing of calcium into the cytoplasm of a cell. Results: Table 1: Observations of triptychs secretion in Paramecium caudate.Data show owe a small sample of cells on a microscope slide responded to the addition of 0. 03% Alcott blue dye, 7. 5 run EST., 0. 14 run A23187 in 1% DMS, 50 run caffeine, and 25 mm magnesium chloride (Magic). The data were obtained by viewing cells under a microscope; the cells were counted prior to treatment and the number of cells secreting trichinosis was counted after treatment.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chick Webb

In a genre as widely popular and influential as jazz, even some of the most well-respected musicians could fall through the cracks in terms of being a mainstream legend. This is not a revelation of a statement on its own, as this was the story for many a musician. The cause could be simply be a casualty of overshadowing during the jazz/swing craze, not being terribly innovative, or not having a string of hits. Some of these causes even afflicted the subject of this paper. However, it was another factor that makes his story so interesting, yet tragic.Not every artist could be etched in legend such as figures like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington, or have his music played all over like Benny Goodman. But Chick Webb’s impact on both the music, culture and technique regarding the drums were and still are well-respected in the jazz scene, despite some of the factors that would hold him back from being a transcendent star. The story of Chick Webb has to begin with the factor that held him back the most and is also the first to afflict him. Despite his disputed birth date, Chick was born in Baltimore, Maryland to William H. and Marie Johnson Webb.William Henry Webb, his birth name, was born with spinal tuberculosis, a condition that would negatively affect him his whole life and ultimately cost him his life. So how does one manage all this pain, let alone become the greatest jazz drummer in history? For starters, the idea of playing the drums came from his doctor. The intent was that the rapid movement of the limbs that is required by the drums would â€Å"loosen up† his stiff limbs and lessen the pain. With the appeal of the instruments’ recreational and medicinal apparent, a young Webb would become a newspaper boy with the sole goal of saving up enough money to buy a drum set.Until then, Webb would settle for the bottom of overturned garbage cans to whet his appetite. By 11 years old, Webb would have his drum set and by 17 years old, he had mo ved to New York City to pursue his dream of being a player in the jazz capital of the world. Chick Webb began playing in New York night clubs as soon as he arrived in 1924. Clubs such as the Paddock Club and the Black Bottom took him in, reference by none other than Duke Ellington, who instantly recognized his talent. Ellington would become an important figure in Webb’s life, both as a mentor and a rival, further down the line.Noting his dominant skill and strong personality, Ellington would encourage Webb to form and lead his own small band. Webb would do just that by forming the Harlem Stoppers, a quintet that would go on to supply the demand for swing music in the era known as the Harlem Renaissance. His skills were rare, and considered ideal to fuel the upbeat pace of swing music and provide a drive to the music that could rarely be matched. Naturally, this skill became quickly recognized all over the city, leading to the expansion of the Harlem Stoppers, who would now be known as the Chick Webb Orchestra.Webb’s status as a successful musician was cemented when his band was selected as the house band of the Savoy Ballroom, a legendary venue located in Harlem. He would be the face of the venue until his final years. Based solely off their own merits, the Chick Webb Orchestra was a highly regarded band. But what made the band legendary in its own right was their willingness to accept challengers in what was known as â€Å"cuttin’ sessions†, or battles of the bands. Many good, but ordinary jazz bands attempted to challenge the great Chick Webb Orchestra, only to be blown out of the ballroom.However, when then-â€Å"King of Swing† Benny Goodman and his band arrived to challenge Webb’s, Chick began to finally get some acclaim from outside of New York. In New York, over 9,000 people came to see this historical event, 5,000 of them standing outside just to have the chance of possibly hearing the monumental clash that was to take place. And when the opportunity arose for Webb and his band to make a statement, they did so in force. Performing first, Goodman’s orchestra performed honorably as many expected from a unit of their stature.But when Webb’s crew began, the outcome would become obvious. With the roar of the crowd Webb’s orchestra, they would end up blowing Benny Goodman’s band out of the ballroom just as he did all the other bands before him that challenged him. His driving sounds often over-powered other bands, playing into the hard swing of his orchestra. Gene Krupa, a legendary drummer in his own right and drummer for Goodman’s band noted that â€Å"Webb cut me to ribbons! † It was this moment where Webb was crowned â€Å"King of Swing† and undoubtedly â€Å"King of the Savoy†.Other legendary challengers such as Count Basie (who played Webb to a draw at the very least), Fletcher Henderson and Duke Ellington would test the mettle of the Chick Webb Orchestra, but none would diminish his status as one of the preeminent bandleaders and musicians of the time. Like most famous muscians of the time, Webb began to record his work, beginning in 1927. However, his powerful sound was difficult to record cleanly without drowning out the full composition of the work. This forced im to tone down his sound and let the rest of the music even out, possibly lessening his fame. However, in circles within the music industry, Webb’s talent and influence did not go unnoticed. When Decca Records formed in 1934, Webb signed to the label and made his most famous recordings, almost all of which featuring Ella Fitzgerald as the singer. Webb initially discouraged the inclusion of Fitzgerald as she did not fit the image of the typical lead vocalist for a swing band. However, once he heard her voice, she would become the lead vocalist for Chick Webb’s Orchestra.This addition skyrocketed the careers of both artist, transforming F itzgerald into a bonafide superstar following the success of their top hit together, Fitzgeralds rendition of â€Å"A-tisket, A-Tasket†. As the quintessential swing artist, Webb’s sound merged perfectly with Fitzgerald, so much so that she became known as the â€Å"First Lady of Swing†. Unfortunately, one could say the vast popularity of Fitzgerald would often overshadow Webb, especially true on recordings. What made it worse for Chick Webb, was the timing of his newfound popularity. In 1938, not too long after the instant success of â€Å"A-tisket, A-tasket†, Webb’s health began to fail.Webb had been playing through pain his entire career, often leaving the stage exhausted. But this time, his spinal condition became more serious and restricted him from playing to a standard that he deemed fit for his fans. Seeking relief, Webb would return to Baltimore for a major operation at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Sadly, Webb would never leave the hospital, dyi ng at just 34 years old. Reportedly, his last words were to his mother, saying â€Å"I’m sorry, I’ve got to go. † The respect the jazz scene had for Chick Webb was obvious at his funeral, where the top musicians of the time all came to pay their respects.The general public also came in full force, so much so that the church where the services were being held could not contain them all, and the procession was composed of almost 80 cars. As one of the few prominent drummer-led swing bands, Webb’s impact is almost always understated. Be it because his lack of hit records as the frontman, a result of Ella Fitzgerald’s popularity or the era’s inability to properly record his talent, or his shortened lifespan, Chick Webb has become a somewhat forgotten name to the mainstream, despite his legendary status within the jazz culture.But due to his influential style, and his battles against some of the more marquee names in jazz/swing, Chick Webb will n ever be forgotten. Works Cited Fritts, Ron, and Ken Vail. Ella Fitzgerald: The Chick Webb Years & beyond. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2003. Print. McDonough, John. â€Å"CHICK WEBB: THE MATRIX. † Down Beat 77. 8 (2010): 37. Downbeat. com. Down Beat, Aug. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. . Sandler, Gilbert. â€Å"Webb Won the Battle of the Bands. † Baltimore Sun.N. p. , 28 Apr. 1992. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. . Teichroew, Jacob. â€Å"Artist Profile: Swing Drummer and Bandleader Chick Webb. † About. com Jazz. N. p. , n. d. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. . Turner, Nathaniel. â€Å"Chick Webb Bio. † Chick Webb Bio. N. p. , n. d. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Equality of Access to California Public University Education Essay

Equality of Access to California Public University Education - Essay Example From the report it is clear that poverty and disadvantages is affected by the education system, offering rich and poor schools with bleak differences in learning atmospheres and physical surroundings. Deprived environs characteristically house run-down schools with poor conditions and less money whereas rich neighborhoods house newer and safer schools offering best learning atmospheres. In addition, the lower-quality urban schools are likely to be attended by ethnic minority students. Attempts to enhance this inequality are only the first step in attaining equality even with millions of dollars spent in federal programs.This essay stresses that  the inequities of access to quality schools and attainment of children in public universities, in California, have been a source of debate and millions of dollars in programs for many years trying to attain equity for all students.  It is argued by critics of American public education that California in incapable of educating students eff iciently, partially due to the highly bureaucratic nature of its governance structure. Layers of rules burdened by paperwork and regulation are attached to most federal government funding hence; federal programs become hard to change or implement. Funds and responsibility are shuffled around to various bodies by this institutionalized problem of extreme bureaucracy, and shifts the accountability of academic achievement onto guardians, teachers, students, and administrators in the case of education.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Writing activities Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Writing activities - Article Example Another important aspect which has been under consideration is that the quality of social media friendships differs from that of offline friendships. Off-line friendships and social media friendships both have their own charm and each type has its own uniqueness and special characteristics. Offline friendships have known to exist since forever. When a young child starts his education from the level of kindergarten, the first friend that he makes is through this type of friendship. This companionship is special and interaction begins mainly through face to face conversations. Offline friendships are cherished and people in this type of friendship share a bond which is mainly created by the physical presence of each other. These friendships are effective and emotions and expressions are far more easily expressed. This is because these friendships commence mainly through physical meetings and the two friends have actually seen each other. Friends at school, in the neighbourhood and in family are known better and tend to be generally closer. The special thing about off-line friendships is the warmth and care that friends can provide to each other through physical presence in difficult situations in one’s life. On the other hand, social media friendships which have gained substantial fame nowadays have their own appeal. These friendships have become popular amongst all age groups and provide a means for people to communicate even when they are far away. With the current busy lives of all individuals, people have lesser time of meeting their friends. Computers and the internet have come to the rescue and have provided with this form of friendship. The distinctive characteristic of social media friendships is that people tend to be connected to each other and physical presence is not a necessity. A person can interact with people and make friends even

Family Law - case study1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family Law - case study1 - Essay Example Furthermore the marriage laws also state that if the marriage has been intimate (consummated) within a 6 month period during which a divorce is filed then the couple is required to wait 6 more months to a year before they can re-file for a divorce decree2. Furthermore the no-fault areas of the marriage, preceding a divorce have to be examined as well. Because John does not want a divorce and wants to work on the marriage then the court would look at the impact a divorce might have on him in particular. However, as was stated, due to the policies surrounding the divorce laws in the UK and England in particular, there will be a great deal of counseling and other interventive measures utilized to try and save this marriage if indeed it were to proceed into the family courts. The primary reasoning for counseling is going to fall into the area of the courts expecting there to be clear and coherent mental competency to ensure that both of the individuals are aware of their actions and are fully understanding of what will take place within their lives after a divorce is granted3. As the laws in cohabitation have changed drastically in the past few years, there are new stipulations in regards to couples who live together and often the same laws that govern marriage apply to cohabitating partners4. However, cohabitant partners are not wholly equal to married couples in all respects, not according to the English laws. For instance married couples do have the protection of marital law to assist them if there are problems that develop that have to do with property or a specific living situation where violence is occurring5. However, following modern civil law, a cohabitating couple such as Jeremy and Claude can adopt a set of rules that ultimately divides the property between the two and of which is upheld in a court of law just as a married couple's property rights would be viewed. Therefore there is the possibility that Jeremy could have a legal way of forcing Claude to vacate the flat that they share but due to the fact that they don't have a legal civil partn ership creates other types of problems besides not being married brings. For instance, without a civil partnership there are no real legal grounds that an individual within a cohabitating relationship can rely on fully. This isn't to say that Jeremy would not have any legal protection at all but the point that is being made is that it would be further complicated by the fact that the two aren't married, there is violence in the relationship, and no civil partnership is in existence to refute any adverse statements or actions that might come into being6. The law is quite clear on one aspect of this domestic problem however, regardless of whether the couple is married or not. Because of the fact that the flat is solely in Jeremy's name the law would stipulate that he could enforce the removal of Claude through a legal means without any adverse repercussions to himself. However, any joint property that remained in the flat would have to be legally divided according to any legal arrange ment that Jeremy and Claude have in affect. If they have none (which without a civil p

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assignment 2 for CLS325 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assignment 2 for CLS325 - Coursework Example Essentially rooted in the attempt to achieve a more accurate definition, arguments have been pushed forward regarding the differences between popular culture and mass culture. Despite all these conflicting theories and subsequent debates, most of these theorists, with the exception of those who uphold post-modernist views, accept the fact that the cultural condition of an individual is reflective of social status. Culture cannot be detached from other material conditions that surround individuals and peoples. This is proven by the emergence of different and contradictory viewpoints on the definition of culture. Those who adhered to the concept that culture can only be attributed to the arts, customs, and refined manners of the elite in society are those who themselves belong to such a class. On the other hand, those who believe that culture is not exclusive for the rich are those who represent or who belong to the lower strata of society. According to Graeme Turner, â€Å"ideology n ot only produces our culture, it also produces our consciousness of our selves.† (British Cultural Studies 20) Ideology may be the most important factor for the development of culture. However, ideology or mindset is the sum or the combined product of all the material conditions that surround an individual. These material conditions greatly vary depending on the social status. In this regard, it is very likely that differences in opinions regarding culture would emerge. When elements or concrete forms of what is now known as popular culture began to emerge, the definition of high culture also became more pronounced. Such definition was apparently made in an effort to distinguish the culture promoted by the elite in society from the one embraced by those who belong to the lower classes. High culture is the label often used in referring to the works of classical literature, music, and other art forms. In fact, the theorists who uphold to this perspective call this as the ‘ real’ culture while naming that of the lower classes as popular culture. Such differentiation points out that â€Å"popular culture is a commercial culture, mass-produced for mass consumption† and that it is â€Å"supposedly consumed with brain-numbed and brain-numbing passivity.† (Storey 264) It may be true that this so-called popular culture has its weaknesses in terms of quality, as can be observed from its various material forms when compared with those of what the elite consider as ‘real’ culture. This perspective, however, definitely serves only the interest of the elite in society. It is clear that culture is the embodiment of the interests and aspirations those who defend and promote it. Therefore, by criticizing so-called popular culture, the elite may just be fortifying their stature in society. People belonging to the lower classes, on the other hand, may just also be asserting their own identity and relevance in society while they contin ue to embrace popular culture and promoting it among their ranks. However, notwithstanding the arguments presented in favor of its existence and the challenge that it poses to high culture, popular culture is also the subject of debates among those who accept its relevance. There are theorists who believe that popular culture does not really represent

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analyze the companys cost structure (e.g., variable vs. fixed costs, Essay

Analyze the companys cost structure (e.g., variable vs. fixed costs, manufacturing vs. non-manufacturing costs, direct vs. indirect costs, job costing or process costing, etc) for starbucks - Essay Example When allocating the rent of the Starbuck store rent it is advisable to divide the rent by the number of coffee bags sold (Maryanne, 109). Manufacturing and non manufacturing costs: Manufacturing costs are indirect factory related costs that are incurred during the manufacturing process. The cost of manufacturing overhead cost must be assigned to each unit produced so that inventory and cost of goods sold can be valued. For the case of Starbuck Company non manufacturing costs include direct material and direct labor. Again the non manufacturing costs represent manufacturer’s expenses that occur apart from the manufacturing function. These expenses are not product cost and are reported in a financial statement as expenses incurred. They include interest on business loan, marketing and advertising costs, taxes and salaries of the staffs (Maryanne, 110). Job costing and process costing: Job costing is a way of determining the cost to a company for each unit of item. This is done by taking each job as independent and how much each job cost to produce a number of units. This allows manager and executives to calculate the amount of profits made from each job. The Starbuck Company for each type of drink it delivers a certain price. This is an effective way of controlling the price of a product. Process costing is a process in which the company come up with long term statistics to know how the price keep on changing over time (Maryanne, 112). It also simplify record keeping hence allowing the company to when changes need to be made. Direct and Indirect Costs: Material, labor and other expenses which are directly or easily traceable to a product, service or job are known as direct costs. In the production of coffee, materials are purchased, wages are paid to workers and certain other expenses are incurred directly (Wiley & Sons, 34). All these take an active and direct part in the manufacture of a product and are, therefore, called direct

Monday, September 9, 2019

Critical diference between java and C# Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical diference between java and C# - Essay Example loper the earlier sentence could be explained as ‘a short description of the Java language and platform’ instead the words C# and the .NET platform were replaced with words Java and the Java platform ( Obasanjo, 2007). C# is developed by Microsoft as part of the .NET initiative and later got consented as a standard by European Computers Manufacturing Association (ECMA) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The development of the C# language was led by Anders Hejlsberg and has a procedural, object-oriented syntax based on C++ and comprises features of several other programming languages with a special attention on simplification. C# is supposed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language (Wikipedia, 2008). Java is another programming language basically developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a most important element of Suns Java platform. This programming language receives most of its syntax from C and C++ and has a pure object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java usages are normally compiled to byte code which can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. The basic and reference implementation Java compilers, and class libraries were progressed by Sun from 1995. In acquiescence with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun presented most of their Java technologies as free software under the GNU General Public License in May, 2007. Others too advanced alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java and GNU Class path (Wikipedia, 2008). Java and C# are not the same.   There are some areas somewhere they are considerably dissimilar, and the execution of properties is one of those areas.   Hence, so as to be capable in both languages, one needs to know the dissimilarities in the way that properties are implemented in each of the two languages. For this purpose, there is a need to understand the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Theory of Multiple Intelligences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theory of Multiple Intelligences - Research Paper Example Such test scores would then be inferred against a predetermined rating which is supported through statistical techniques. The statistical techniques relate the responses issued by the subjects of different ages. The relating of the scores across ages and across various tests is based on the notion that intelligence is constant and does not change age experience or training (Gardner, 2006). In other words, intelligence is an inborn characteristic of individuals. Gardner pluralized the traditional intelligence concept leading to a new definition and educational approaches. Intelligence becomes the ability to process a specific kind of information. This ability originates within the humans psychological and biological make up (Gardner, 2006). These intelligences consist an ability to solve problems of create products that are a result of one’s cultural and community settings. Gardner came up with eight intelligences, which are linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelli gence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence. Musical intelligence involves sensitivity to music. It is evident through sensitivity to tones, sounds, rhythms and other musical components. According to Gardner (2006), people who have this intelligence have the ability to compose music, sing and play musical instruments. They have a good pitch and sometimes an absolute pitch. Bodily- kinesthetic intelligences involve the capacity to use one’s entire body or parts of the body to handle challenges. One uses mental ability to coordinate body parts/movement to solve problems (Smith, 2008). Logical-mathematical intelligence comprises of the ability to perform logical analysis of problems, conduct mathematical calculations and examine phenomenon scientifically. The individual can reason deductively, detect patterns and thinking logically. It is often associated w ith mathematical reasoning (Smith, 2008). Linguistic intelligence is characterized by sensitivity to language, both spoken and written. It concerns the ability to acquire or learn languages, and us a language to achieve certain goals (Smith, 2008). This includes ability to use a language as a means for remembering information, and ability to express oneself poetically or rhetorically using a language. Examples of people with these skills include lawyers, poets, speakers and writers among others. Spatial intelligence, on the other hand, comprises the capacity to identify and utilize patterns of open space and confided areas. Interpersonal intelligence is people oriented intelligence, which is consists ability to understand other people’s desires, motivations and intentions. It facilitates coexistence of people. As Smith (2008) Notes, salespeople, counselors, political and religious leaders, and teachers thrive on strong interpersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is made up of the ability for self awareness. It involves understanding oneself and appreciating personal feelings, motivations and fears. It also entails developing a working model of ourselves and ability to use such models for self regulation purposes (Smith, 2008). Finally, naturalistic intelligence

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Budgeting in Business Operation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Budgeting in Business Operation - Term Paper Example Budgeting is such process that companies use to plan their business activities regarding time and money. This process makes the business operations undergo in an effective and efficient manner. According to Morgan (2006), a company’s financial success depends largely on the budgeting decisions that its managers take concerning all financial aspects of the business. Therefore, it is imperative for a company to develop a perfect budget plan that should help the company achieve its desired goals and objectives, as well as it should help it maintain the financial equilibrium. Objectives In this paper, we will discuss different aspects and key areas related to the process of budgeting in order to understand the role that budgeting plays in the success of a company. We will discuss in detail certain issues in order to know the importance of budgeting for a company. Topics in Detail about Budgeting and Discussion The topics which will be covered in this project include functions of b udgeting, employee motivation through budgeting, responsibilities of budget holders, budgetary control, capital budgeting, and techniques of capital budgeting. Discussing these topics will help us get a good understanding of some of the core aspects of budgeting. Let us discuss all of these topics in some detail. Functions of budgeting 1. Financial Analysis Budgeting helps firms in doing financial analysis. Managers of the firms can know the exact financial position of the company through proper budgeting. They can know the actual strength of their company and can take various decisions based on that financial analysis. They can know what is happening in reality related to the use of money for various business activities. Budgeting is a process that provides managers with the information concerning the current financial position of the company, capital in hand for the company, and predicted future expenditures related to current and ongoing business processes. Companies can save the ir capital and related business expenditures through effective budgeting. The proper financial analysis also helps companies cut off the extra costs from the business expenditures and utilize the available capital for other business activities. 2. Planning Budgeting helps companies properly plan their business activities in accordance with the financial analysis report and available budget. Planning is one of the key business processes that help companies take calculated steps towards progress. A company can take measurable steps regarding its future activities, such as, loan decisions, investment decisions, employees’ salary increment, compensation and benefits, and buying or selling decisions after forecasting the financial position and planning for activities. 3. Communication is another key function of budgeting. If a company makes some kind of financial contract with some other company, budgeting helps in resolving all kinds of issues regarding the use of capital between the two companies. Companies can set priorities considering their budgets in order to escape from financial issues and conflicts. An effective budget is one which assists companies to communicate with each other for discussing various money-related issues, such as, the way the companies should spend the money and the amount of money they should spend on different business ventures. 4. Motivation Budgeting is a process that plays a critical role in motivating the employees of a company.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Shakespearian and Spenserian Essay Example for Free

Shakespearian and Spenserian Essay Sonnets are poems about different types of love, they are about, romantic love, were the love is equal, both partners love one another, unrequited love where the love is only one sided, you love someone but they do not desire you in the same way, and then there is bereavement, when you are grieving the death of a loved one. The poets who write these sonnets try to explain the impossible, what is love? By expressing what they feel for their partner on paper, whether it be exaggerated or just honest. But in order for us to recognise what these poets are trying to express, they use similes, images and symbols so the readers can relate to what the poets are trying to say. Sonnets have a rule that they must be fourteen lines long. There are three different types of sonnets, Petrarchan, Shakespearian and Spenserian, and they have different structures, for example Petrarchan sonnets have an Octet Sestet structure with Octet being the first eight lines on the first idea and the Sestet being the last six lines on a variation on the first idea, while Shakespearean and Spenserian sonnets have a Quatrain Quatrain Quatrain Couplet structure, the first four lines on the first idea, four lines on second idea, four lines on development of previous idea and the two line Conclusion. Also the sonnets have a rhyming scheme in which Shakespearean sonnets are written as ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, Spenserian is written ABAB BCBC CDCD EE and Petrarchan has an ABBAABBA CDCDCD, though the Petrarchan rhyming scheme isnt always CDCDCD but can have a regular pattern CDCDEE. The Garden of Beauty is written by Edmund Spenser, in which he compares his lovers beauty to nature, and says that she is far greater than anything he has ever seen. Spenser has compared his lover to flowers like roses and lilies Her ruddy cheeks like unto roses red his telling us that his lovers cheeks are as red as roses, he also goes on to say Her breasts like lilies ere their leaves be shed her breasts are as white as lilies and Her lips did smell like unto gilliflowers that her lips are sweeter than flowers. Spencer then ends his statement that she is more beautiful than nature itself, that she is perfect. However in sonnet Sonnet130 one of Shakespeares is the complete opposite to The Garden of Beauty because Shakespeare does not exaggerate the truth of his lovers beauty, but instead is more honest about her looks but says that he still loves her. Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks If hair be wires, black wires grow on her head he says her breath is not as sweet as any perfume, and her hair is not smooth but is like wire but then he concludes his sonnet to say And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As she belied with false compare he is saying he loves her for who she is and that his love is true that he is not blinded by false compare. Surprised by Joy was inspired by the death of William Wordsworths daughters death, he is grieving her death and trying to come to terms with it Knowing my hearts best treasure was no more he calls her his heart, she was his most treasured joy and now she is gone, he is finding it hard to accept, he is finding it impossible to be happy when the thing that makes him happiest most is gone. He feels guilt because he was being happy for once, and he had forgotten his heart, but then he remembers and punishes himself for doing so, in a twisted sort of way he gets pleasure for feeling guilty, a guilty pleasure as if punishing himself is the right thing to do, as if it would be what his daughter would want him to be doing for him to never experience happiness again. In Remember Rossetti says that she would rather people forget and be happy and to enjoy them selves rather than to remember and have a frown upon their face Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad she just wants everyone to be happy and move on with their lives and not stay in one place and be miserable with sad memories. The sonnet I prefer is Remember for the simple fact that it is true to forget once in a while and have a good time than to punish your self. Unrequited love is when you love someone and they do not love you back. The red and white roses in Red and White Roses by Thomas Carew represent, the passion and the coldness, the red rose for the passion he feels for his love and the white rose represents to coldness his love interest has towards him. The fire and ice in My Love is Like Fire to Ice also represents the passion and coldness, the fire is the passion like the red rose and the coldness is the ice like the white rose. The fire and ice expression is more effective than the red rose and white rose because the fire is not extinguished by the ice not is the ice melted by the fire, in fact it seems the more she rejects Spenser he the more he wants her his fire only grows with the ice. Such is the power of love in gentle mind, That it can alter all the course of kind he is saying his love for her is breaks the laws of nature and is stronger than any science. My favourite sonnet overall is the Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare because although it is honest, Shakespeare Is too honest in that it becomes kind of comedic in the way that he loves his lover even if she is not perfect in beauty but is perfect in mind.