Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Survival in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by...

Survival in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn and The Metamorphosis by Kafka In both One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, written by Solzhenitsyn, and The Metamorphosis, written by Kafka, there were struggles for survival in face of oppression. Both of the protagonists had lost control of their own lives and were forced to fight to keep the little control that they had. Shukov, a character created by Solzhenitsyn, was imprisoned in a Stalinist labour camp designed to attack its prisoners†¦show more content†¦The prisoners being able to depend on one another to complete tasks and to share were huge factors in their survival in the prison camp. Dependence in The Metamorphosis was also important. Although in this case it was more the lack of dependence . Gregor was isolated from his family and from society. Despite his sisters minimal effort to feed Gregor, he received no aid from anyone throughout the novel. If he were able to depend on his family like Ivan could his friends he probably would have survived. His family simply turned their back on him the moment that they could not depend on him. This shows a similar message as to the message in Solzhenitsyns writing about dependence within the groups. Both authors showed, from different sides, how dependance is vital to survival. Second, the two novels use personal attitudes as a factor in the characters struggle for survival. In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the prisoners had hope. Ivan, personally, lived each day and tried to make the best out of life in prison. He had a positive attitude toward the prison because he focused on only the positive events that occurred during his day. He did not complain about the negative events that occurred, he only had pure determination to get through it. Shukov complained about nothing: neither about the length of hisShow MoreRelatedBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 Pagesplays a role in the perception of belonging (or not belonging and all the shades inbetween): †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ personal context refers to those elements that are ones own, individual and private. cultural context is complex and refers generally to way of life, lifestyle, customs, traditions, heritage, habits - civilisation. More specifically, it refers to intellectual and artistic awareness, education and discernment. Popular culture refers to the Arts, the humanities, intellectual achievement, literature

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